by Osuta Yusuf
July 10th 2024.

Scandal Rocks PDM in Awindiri Ward, Arua City.




📸: President Museveni Launching PDM in 2022. Courtesy Photo.

Story by Osuta Yusuf. 


Arua City.

The parish development model in Awindiri Ward, Central Division in Arua City has been mingled with scandals of ghost sacco members and corruption allegations.

Complaints by the PDM beneficiaries were raised during a meeting held in Awindiri Ward, in Central Division Arua City on Saturday 6-July-2024, where the beneficiaries accused PDM officials in the Ward over soliciting for 50,000 Shs each as bribe before they are enrolled and verified into the sacco groups  in order to benefit from the program.

📸: PDC Member, Night Zainabu Asirafu. Photo by Information is Power.

Night Zainabu Asirafu, the PDC member for Awindiri Ward said, whenever PDM officials in Awindiri Ward go for verification of sacco group members, they always sideline her and as a result such irregularities have been committed in her Ward.

📸: Rt Hon Osuga Rasul, Speaker for Central Division Arua City Council. Photo by Information is Power.

Following incidences where some women called politicians to complain over bribes requested by PDM officials in Awindiri Ward, the speaker for Central Division Arua City council, Rt Hon Osuga Rasul castigated the PDM Sacco Members for fearing to expose such culprits for fear of been removed from benefiting in the PDM money.

📸: Former PDC Member, Acema Brian. Photo by Information is Power.

Acema Brian, a PDC official by then, who verified the groups in Awindiri Ward confessed that, indeed, there was a ghost group but after discovery, it was deleted from the list of PDM beneficiaries.

📸: Hon Muzaid Khemis, Mayor Central Division Arua City. Photo by Information is Power.

Mayor for Central Division Arua City, Hon Muzaid Khemis cautioned the PDM officials in Centra Division to be very careful because he has information about their corruption tendencies in PDM.

He advised the stakeholders involved in PDM program to allow each stakeholder to do their work.

📸: Eng Anguyo Muhammad, BOG Chairman for Awindiri. Photo by Information is Power.

Parish Development Model BOG Chairman for Awindiri Ward, Eng. Anguyo Muhammad, while responding to some of the queries raised, described the allegations against him as baseless and fabricated lies aimed at tarnishing his name.

📸: Dr Taban Luke, PDM Focal Point Person. Photo by Information is Power.

The Arua City focal point person for PDM, Dr Taban Luke informed the people in Awindiri Ward over a new development in PDM program, which is subjecting all the PDM Sacco groups for audit.

📸: Deputy RCC Ezama Ham Mizamil, Photo by Information is Power.

Mr Ezama Ham Mizamil, the Deputy Resident City Commissioner for Central Division Arua City advised the PDM officials to tame their appetite for corruption.

According to information obtained from PDM focal point person, across all the Cities in Uganda, Arua City is the best performing City in PDM.

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